Monday 6 January 2014

Book Evaluation

The book that I have assembled for this end of unit module, consists of a card (front and back) cover that was originally white in colour. I used blue ink and applied it to this with a sponge. I did this to create a contrast between the cover and the actual pages, as the pages inside are card as well.

For the binding method, I used a needle and thread to stitch the pages together. I chose this method over perfect binding, as I felt that it suited the book more, as well as the fact that in my trials there was fewer complications. I used a relatively thin needle, with black thread. I marked the holes where I wanted the thread to go with a light pencil, and inserted and exited with the needle via these points. After stitching was completed, I tied a secure knot, to stop the thread from escaping from the holes. I am happy to say that the bind has held really well, and still is holding the pages together. I have had no issues with my binding technique.

For applying the front and back covers onto the bound pages, I used spray mounting glue. At first this seemed like a successful idea, but after a few days, the card began to lift up, and be removed from the rest of the book. To combat this, I applied some double sided sticky tape in the areas where the card was peeling, this corrected this minor issue, and I am happy to report this in my blog.

Overall I am really happy, and proud with my book, from the stitching, to the way it feels in the hand. I believe it is a well made book, even if I did have a few minor quibbles, for instance with keeping the covers securely 'fixed' in place. I did get around to fixing this, using additional glue and double sided tape.


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