Wednesday 1 January 2014

Final Piece #6

For my 6th final piece, I decided to use the letter 'e'. The animal that sprung to mind as soon as I though of this letter, was an Elephant. The trunk and head shape resembles the letter naturally, if bent that way, which can be very easily done. This is what attracted me to using this particular animal, along with this letter.

The illustration, as a work in progress (WIP).
To colour this image, I used watercolour paints, and used a few shades of grey to get an accurate colour, that a real elephant would have. I left the tusk uncoloured, since the ivory is naturally of a white hue, and also I liked the shade it was to begin with. After adding the paint colour, I added some detail on the animal's skin, using a HB pencil.

I have decided that this illustration will be featured on page one of my book.

I really like this illustration, it is one of my smallest ones, yet it really is one of the most striking to me. The grey shade, coupled with the white tusks and the black eyes, create a pleasing contrast to me. However, If I were to improve this illustration, I would have perhaps made the detail a little more realistic, especially on the tough, wrinkled skin of an animal such as an elephant.


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