Saturday 11 January 2014

Final Piece #9

For my 9th final piece, I have created an illustration of another canine, this time however a different breed, a golden retriever, not a west highland terrier like the one that I created before. The west highland illustration as a note however can be found on the left page opposite.

The dog here is in the shape of the letter 'L', and like the majority of my book illustrations, however not all (coloured graphite), I have used the medium of watercolour, in order to stick to my 'pastel' like tones.
I began creating the illustration by initially sketching out the basic letter 'L', using a very fine and light pencil. I then sketched the image around this, in order to maintain the overall shape of the letter being portrayed. I erased the guidelines, and added colour to mimic the colour tones of both a real life retriever, and 1950's illustration colour tones.

My Golden Retriever illustration, clearly in the shape of the letter 'L'.

I am very pleased with this, as a final piece to go in my book of drawings. it is simple, yet fits my 1950's theme of children's illustration perfectly. I decided to leave the eyes blank, as I felt this just worked well with the children's theme. I am pleased with pretty much the entire piece, however, I think the tail may be too bushy, I should have made it a bit thinner, maybe with a slight flick, of course the flick at the end of the tail wouldn't be too noticeable, because if so, it could distort the resemblance of the letter 'L'.


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