Tuesday 3 December 2013

Development Trial #3 (Coloured Pencil)

For my third development trial, I decided to experiment with another medium, that contains 'pastel' like colours. This medium is coloured pencil.

This development illustration carries on my theme, of using animals that are sketched and displayed in a hybrid style, of 1950's children's illustration, and my own personal style. I will be using a 1950's colour palette in all of my developments, and final pieces.

This animal that I have sketched is of a Leopard Gecko. I took inspiration from my animal and digital unit.

I am really pleased with how this illustration has turned out, the colours resemble 'pastel' colours, and the patterns are spot on, and I will adapt this image further, and maybe turn it into one of my refined final pieces. it is my favourite development piece so far, I really enjoyed making this.

Coloured pencil was really easy to work with, and fun, however it was harder to get an even tone, due to the way graphite is, giving a kind of 'scratchy' look. Mainly because every time I sharpened my pencil, the tone of the point changed.
So far, out of the three developments I have made, I have to say watercolours was the one that I enjoyed creating the most, as I can get any tone I want, and if I use a thicker brush, I can get an even fill of colour.

I used a small range of colours, that matched the 'pastel' colour scheme. The reason why this colour scheme is so important, is because I have noticed that some 1950's children's illustrations, contain colour shades that fit closely with this wheel below.

http://www.joshuakeenes.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/pastel_midring_3.09-1.jpg < image reference at this link.

http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1545632777560021951#editor/target=post;postID=4926605380167013626;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=4;src=postname < Link to my blog, explaining 50's illustration colour.


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