Sunday 1 December 2013

Final Pieces Background

For each of my 6 final pieces, that I will include in the six illustrations inside my book of drawings, I would like to include a background. The background that I believe will fit more with the illustration style that I have chosen, is the style of 50's children's illustration theme, coupled with elements of my own personal style, in order to create something that appears unique.

I was thinking something like using simple colour backgrounds, with a combination of other various items, such as small 'doodle' like illustrations to 'split' the background up a bit, and to make the image seem a bit more appealing for the eye. < image reference at this link.
As you can see in the image above, the piece includes a background, that is consisting of colour, split into 4 parts. This piece is a bit too cartoon like for the pieces I will be creating, but it shows that such a simple style, can have such an effect on the entire piece. In this case, it allows the characters to stand out more, and also I have noticed, that the colours used in this background, go well with the faces that are in the piece. So background colour matching is an important thing to keep in mind, with an illustration in colour. < image reference at this link
Some illustrations using 50's style, use simple colours as backgrounds. Like for example this illustration above, that is more like the drawing style I wish to create in my finals. I have noticed this style of background use a lot, with pieces in this genre. I could for example place an illustration onto a coloured background, and simply add other drawings alongside them, for example, drawing a rattle next to a rattlesnake, a ball next to a dog, or a carton of milk next to a cow. This idea is very fun and quirky, and will make my pages that bit more interesting

For my first draft, (which was of the snake I created two days ago), I will be adding some colour tomorrow, so I will also experiment with background colour and styles then.

I will update this blog then.

I have decided to go with using simple colour backgrounds, and using 'quirky' illustrative doodles and drawings, that are themed to the animal(s) on each page. The doodles will of course also be in 1950's children's illustration style.

An example of illustrations, against a themed simple colourful background, with some leaves.

My Cat illustration, with some themed items around it. (Unfinished)

My Canine illustration, again with themed items around it. You can see the colourful background behind.


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