Saturday 21 December 2013

Final Piece #1 (Discarded)

For my first final piece, which will take up page one of six, I have sketched a spider using inspiration from 1950's illustration. I have tried to keep to a strict colour palette, using only 'pastel' like colours. For this illustration I used various coloured pencils, with a black fineliner pen.

I created the spider illustration by initially sketching out the letter 'M', and then lightly sketched the spider's shapes around this. After being happy with my lineart, I added a much more refined, and permanent lineart, using a 'heavy' pencil.

The idea behind using a spider in shape of 'm', was that if I was to include text in the illustration, I wanted the spider to be saying "mmmmmmmm", while peering toward a 'tasty' fly below him. This fly would be a separate drawing, and be located under the spider's body to give the illusion that the Spider is further away. The fly will perhaps be, to the right side.


I have decided to discard this as a final piece, due to the illustration's size. In a portrait position, it does not fit in terms of width on the page, and if I were to turn it on its side, it would no longer resemble the letter 'm'. I could crop it down through a tool like photoshop, but doing so would mean the original would not be placed into my book. I feel this will make this particular drawing the 'odd one out' and I would rather avoid this.

Despite scrapping this piece. And leaving it out of my book, I still am really proud of this piece. I love how I used fine liner to go over the coloured pencil background, and create the illusion of hairs. This makes the illustration seem more believable, and more lifelike. The colour scheme sticks to the pastel tone palette, and it resembles the style of 1950s illustration. However, I wish I got the anatomy more correct. The spider only features 6 legs, and is missing 2. Also the back legs do not match he opposite sides, this makes the spider look almost crooked, in a way.


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