Wednesday 4 December 2013

Development Trial #5 (Chalk Pastels)

For my fifth development trial, in which I am experimenting with using different mediums to produce sample illustrations, I decided for this piece to be consisting of coloured chalk pastel. I tried sketching a canine, but with chalk, I find it hard to add detail, so I tried using a very thin felt pen, to add some basic fur like texture, and to go around parts of the lineart, that the chalk missed.

I generally dislike using chalk, or pastel like materials of any kind, however I wanted to keep an open mind with my research, and just see how it feels working with materials that are outside of my comfort zone.

First off, I have found the experience of using chalk pastel, to be very frustrating. I love the deep colours, and the fact you can blend multiple shades together, chalk is a great material for shading. However the substance is far too messy for my liking, and one accidental smudge can ruin a piece, that maybe you have spent a great deal of time on. Once pastel is on the paper, or other material, you cannot remove it, and this makes even simple mistakes, an absolute mark on the image. Apparently a substance called 'putty rubber' removes some chalk staining, but it is never going to be 100% removed, there will always be a mark.

I love how the chalk produces thick and bold lines, but they tend to be quite rough, and although I like rough lines, chalk just doesn't do justice for me, or in my opinion, my work. I have decided, that I will not adapt chalk further, into a developed final piece.


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