Monday 25 November 2013

Book Making Plan

For this unit, I will be making a book, which will contain my sketches. The sketches will be a minimum of 6, so this means the book needs a minimum of six pages. They need to be of a high standard, as this is the book that basically shows me off, as an independent illustrator.

I have made a book before in two different techniques, one using simple string and paper, and the other requiring a needle and thread, to stitch, so because of past attempts I know how I could create a simple one from scratch. I have also made cards too, which is a sort of similar process. (Photo attached of a card that I designed and made, below this text).

This interesting, and detailed Wiki-how article, includes a step by step process, of how to make a book from scratch >
it is very helpful, and I may use it for some reference.

Here is also an interesting youtube link, also going over how to make a simple book. >

I may make my own paper, using a pulp, I made this kind of paper in my previous college. I also might sew the pages together, like I did with my last handmade book, which I preferred out of the two.
Over the next few days, I will be researching how I should make my book, and also what style, and materials I will use too.

Another count to take into consideration, is the fontstyle that I will be using for the cover, as I'd like to detail what is in the book. I was thinking maybe a classical style, sort of similar to how I created it the attached image below.

This image is soft on they eyes, and is similar to the font types you see on children's books.


The image includes a brief idea for two types of book styles. One is a traditional book, and the other is a fold out book. The first illustration is more book like, however the second illustration, means you can see all the illustrations at the same time, and is a bit more 'quirky'.

Update: 2**

There was a technique that I heard about today, from some of my classmates, after talking about book binding techniques. This technique is called perfect binding, which is also known as adhesive binding. This style of creating a book, involves utilising an adhesive to hold pages together. Interestingly about 40% of national magazines are made with this binding technique. As a side note, how I got the idea of this method, is an slight example of illustrator collaboration. < link to relevant website.

I will attempt the following techniques: 
  • Perfect Binding
  • Sewed Book
  • Fold Out Book


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