Monday 25 November 2013

Josh Brill (Cartoon)

Josh Brill is an multi-talented illustrator, from Portland, Oregon (USA), who graduated with a degree in new media design, from Maine college of art. He now professionally balances between fine artwork, and his corporate clients. He also sells some of his work to the general public.

He also runs Lumadessa, a small art label, that focuses on printing, and design products. interestingly, 1% of the profits from Lumadessa, go straight to animal & environmental charities.

For one of his types of artistic themes, he creates animal illustrations. ( < The link to the left, is of chimpanzees, but he also creates artwork of giraffes, and canines. (The latter of which, I note below) < Link to the section, that I go into detail below.

The link above, I wish to highlight, as this link goes straight to his canine gallery. Canines are the animal that I most want to sketch for this unit, however I will be drawing some other animals too, such such as birds and rodents. Seeing that he displays this style of artwork, in this theme, is great for me.

It's interesting to see his unique style, in comparison to my last research focus, which was griffsnuff. < image reference at this link.
As you can see in the image above, his style is very simplistic, something that I adore, in terms of an artistic style. I love his use of shading, how the colour shades seem to overlap, and how modern his pieces are.


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