Tuesday 26 November 2013

Mark Langley (Realistic)


Mark Langley is a fine artist, who creates highly realistic images of reportage like topics. However, he also creates images of animals, which is why I am expressing interest in him. For an example, some of the animals he draws includes Horses, Sheep and Cows.

He was born in 1973, in the town of Derby. His profile text, that is featured on his website, claims that he has had a passion for using graphite to create very detailed sketches, since he was a small boy, in his 'school days'. His early detailed sketches, were interestingly of railway environments. He has won some competitions for illustration, before graduating. Mark also enjoyed working for 8 years, as a graphic artist. After this he made the decision to concentrate more on his fine artwork.

http://www.mark-langley.com/profile.htm < image reference at this link.

http://www.mark-langley.com/originals.htm < This gallery includes some other animals he sketches (deer for example), including some of his reportage work.
However for this blog, I wish to highlight his animal work only, as it is the topic I decided to choose for this project. However I couldn't go on, without at least saying, that I am fond of his style of reportage too, the way he uses line, and creates images that are so fine to the eye, the pencils strokes blend into each other, creating an almost seamless image, that you could confuse with an actual photograph. He is clearly an artist with pure talent.

So, to now get back to the review of his animal illustrations. His animal illustrations are very fine, and well detailed, a clear contrast to such work by griffsnuff,

http://www.mark-langley.com/prints-animals.htm < image reference to be found at this link.

As you can see in the image above, his style is very classical, compared to girffsnuff's work below, that is very cartoon like, and almost comedic.

http://griffsnuff.deviantart.com/art/Negative-plamen-400243401 < image reference to be found at this link.

This clear contrast between the two, is interesting to me, and I will be researching other artists, to help make up my mind, with what particular genre I'd like to try.

Updates soon.


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