Monday 25 November 2013

'Griffsnuff' Tina Alfredsen (Cartoon) (Her deviant art page).

"Griffsnuff", otherwise known by her real name of Tina Alfredsen, is a 24 year old Norwegian artist, who creates a lot of cartoon-like images of animals, such as Wolves, dogs, cats, and a variety of other animals. She posts a lot of her work to the digital artist/social networking site, called Deviant Art. She has been on this site for 8 years.

She works as a 2D artist at Krillbite. >
Krillbite is a company that consists of video game developers, who develop indie games. The company is based in Hamar, Norway.

The images above are just some examples of the work that she creates. As you can see, her style uses bold lines, and vivid colours. I love how smooth her line art is, she really has talent. I do take inspiration from her unique style, the way she creates pieces just ticks all the right boxes with me, and she is one of my favourite digital artists.

Looking extensively at her online gallery, You can see how her work has developed over the span of a few years. I will screenshot a comparison between her early gallery, and her most recent gallery below.

Current Style

Early Style (2005)


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