Wednesday 27 November 2013

Direction Path

For my illustrative idea, in which I create a book of drawings, either A-Z, or just some select letters, I have decided to choose to attempt a hybrid of realistic/cartoon style of drawing, similar to the 1950's style of children's illustration, as I feel it could work more, as I am stronger with the realistic form, than the cartoon form, however I enjoy working with the cartoon form more.

My draft, to show what I mean visually. this is just a tester piece, so the real final will be much more refined, realistic and will include colour.

I would love to try sketching in graphite, and maybe add colour through photoshop, watercolours, or even through print techniques. (The latter two options may fit in better, with a traditional theme)

Over the next few days, I will experimenting with using various tools, to create a development plan, of how I will create them, and how they will fit in my book of drawings.


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