Wednesday 27 November 2013

Helen Wilson (Realistic)

Helen Wilson is an animal artist/photographer, who's love and passion for animals, art and photography, all came together for her to create commissions for clients. She works with a wide range of materials and tools, such as pastel and graphite pencils. She creates her pet portraits from photographic reference, in order to get the most precise visualisation for her drawings. Its good to use reference photos, when you cant be in a situation where the subject that you are sketching, isn't available. Another good point of reference is, that the subject is still, and you can take as long as you want, working on the piece. < image above, reference at this link.

I do love her style, and I love how she uses a lot of greyscale in her work. She claims that she specialises in drawing contemporary drawings in black and white, as you can find her quote here at her site > (

Because I love working in graphite, and also using a black and white colour scheme, this artist and style appeals to me, if I were to go along the path of creating a book full of realistic sketches, this is most likely the route that I will go down.

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The link above is an example of other styles she does beside simply using graphite. In this link you can see some of her colour pieces, which also look stunning in my opinion. > The link to the left, showcases her animal photography, which I love her techniques.


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