Wednesday 27 November 2013

Realistic Style Trial #1

For my first realistic style trial piece, I will be sketching my hamster, using a 2H pencil. It is a generally light shaded pencil, but I will go over darker parts with a mix of pencil types and shades.

This is my first trial of a realistic animal in this unit, so I will update this blog with photos as I go.

Sketching of hamster using 2H pencil.

Filling in the fur shading.

The finished image, after adding some shading, and some detail on the hands and face.

I really do enjoy creating realistic style artwork, however I tend to enjoy it more when I am only using graphite. This is a personal preference, so comparing to the cartoon form, I am comfortable creating that theme in a few mediums, including digital.

This could just be a comfort zone thing, so its good to venture out of that loop, however at the minute, with researching a few cartoon and realistic form artists, I have yet to make my mind up. Additional research will aid in my decision.

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